To UNSUBSCRIBE, log in to your account HERE and use the button near the bottom that says “My account and unsubscriptions”.
TPList members are by and large residents and employees in Terrace Park. We do our best to keep it that way, but this geographic composition is not guaranteed. Consider that your message, email address, and signature line can become public information. Email is easily forwarded, quoted out of context, etc. There is also an archive of past messages available to TPListserv members on the website. To do this, log in to your account HERE and use the button near the bottom that says “My account and unsubscriptions”.
The volume of messages on the TPListserv has been growing dramatically! If it’s too much for you, here are two ways to reduce your inbox clutter…
1) Create a filter in your email program to send all messages with “[TPList]” in the subject line to a separate folder. Once you set this up, all your TPListserv messages will be together in one folder.
2) Change your subscription to a daily digest. This destroys the subject lines of each message, so it’s less convenient to browse and reply to messages. To do this, log in to your account HERE and use the button near the bottom that says “My account and unsubscriptions”.
When replying to the list, please truncate your email before sending. (remove most of the prior post except for the portion that your email is referring to) This is especially important if you reply to a digest post. If it is not truncated, you will be sending all the emails from the digest along with yours.
The TPListserv is intended for non-commercial activity. Acceptable unsolicited offers and endorsements include yard sales; items for sale including household items, tickets, cars, homes (owned by person posting and not as a commercial venture); babysitting; domestic construction and repair services; students offering part-time or summer work; and fundraisers and events for non-profit organizations in Terrace Park and surrounding neighborhoods. Requesting recommendations and giving endorsements when they’ve been requested is fine.
We hope you find it neighborly and useful!